∾ Intuitive Reading ∾
∾ Intuitive Reading ∾
You will receive channeled information directly from your Spirit Guides and my Angelic Collective. This Intuitive Reading empowers inner confidence to realize desired outcomes!
We start the session by discussing your main intent and subjects that you wish to address. We then proceed with a short, guided meditation to ground us.
Once a connection has been established between my Angelic Collective and your Higher Guidance, you may ask questions. I will share insights that can inspire you to take loving charge of your healing to move forward with more clarity.
This is a very fluid process graced in ease. Your Guides may reveal energetic blocks, chakra imbalances or limiting beliefs connected to your situation, but keep in mind that your Guides may steer the session in an unexpected direction for your highest good. I will also draw oracle cards to further crystalize information or for clarification. These answers are meant to upshift your awareness to embody the fullness of who you really are.
The Intuitive Reading Session takes place via phone (50 minute live call) which will be recorded and emailed to you. No need to take notes during the session. You can simply relax and tune in.
A phone number will be provided to you via email for you to call at the time of your appointment.
By purchasing a session/program from me, you acknowledge and agree to the following policies.
You agree to set clear intentions for a session/program. You understand that you are the creator of your reality and you take full responsibility for your own results. Intention and responsibility are extremely important in the process of your soul's evolution. A session/program will not change your life unless you do your part; shifting your perspective, healing wounds, releasing limiting believes, and taking inspired action. You carry liability for all loss or injury that may occur while in association with or applying advice and information learned during a session/program.
PLEASE NOTE: I do not give medical advice. Any information I may be sharing is not meant as a substitute for medical, or psychological diagnosis and treatment. Please seek proper medical care whenever needed. I do not diagnose conditions, nor do I interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional.